Download Ebook The Foundations of European Union Competition Law The Objective and Principles of Article 102 (Oxford Studies in European Law)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2012-02-20
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Original language: English
Article 102 TFEU prohibits the abuse of a dominant position as incompatible with the internal market. Its application in practice has been controversial with goals as diverse as the preservation of an undistorted competitive process, the protection of economic freedom, the maximisation of consumer welfare, social welfare, or economic efficiency all cited as possible or desirable objectives. These conflicting aims have raised complex questions as to how abuses can be assessed and how a dominant position should be defined.This book addresses the conceptual problems underlying the tests to be applied under Article 102 in light of the objectives of EU competition law. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the book covers all the main issues relating to Article 102, including its objectives, its relationship with other principles and provisions of EU law, the criteria for the assessment of individual abusive practices, and the definition of dominance. It provides an in-depth doctrinal and normative commentary of the case law with the aim of establishing an intellectually robust and practically workable analytical framework for abuse of dominance. Archives - Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer Philadelphia Daily News and LLM Postgraduate Laws University of London ... Gain a prestigious University of London LLM by distance learning. Study for a prestigious qualification in postgraduate laws anywhere in the world. European Union law - Wikipedia European Union law is a system of rules operating within the member states of the European Union. Since the founding of the Coal and Steel Community after World War ... Resolve a DOI Name Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Click Go. Your browser will take you to a Web page (URL) associated with that DOI name. Send questions or comments to doi ... economics facts information pictures ... Economics. The methodology of economics. The functions of an economic system. Money income and the price level. Subfields of economics. Organization and growth of ... English contract law - Wikipedia English contract law is a body of law regulating contracts in England and Wales. With its roots in the lex mercatoria and the activism of the judiciary during the ... Theories of Intellectual Property - 6 . Theories of Intellectual Property. William Fisher . The term "intellectual property" refers to a loose cluster of legal doctrines that regulate the uses of ... Ashoka Kumar Thakur Vs. Union of India & Ors Judgments ... Ashoka Kumar Thakur Vs. Union of India & Ors [2008] INSC 614 (10 April 2008) K.G. BALAKRISHNAN CJI DR. ARIJIT PASAYAT C.K. THAKKER R.V. RAVEENDRAN & DALVEER ...
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