[Download Ebook.wLpC] The Petrified Ego A New Theory of Conscience
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Published on: 2013-12-05
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Original language: English
In this book the author makes the case for two generically distinct types of Superego, with the contention that there is a gap in the Freudian theory of the Oedipal Superego which has been recognized since its inception, but never formulated in a full revision of the theory. There are thus, Reddish argues, two distinct kinds of morality implicit in Freudian theory. Further, she maintains that there are two distinct kinds of relationship to reality which correlate with these two kinds of morality.Freud believed that morality originates in the imperative for physical survival: "the initial helplessness of human beings is the primary source of all moral motives". However, he did not incorporate this idea into his formulation of the Superego as heir to the Oedipus Complex.Reddish argues that the most primitive kind of morality is that dominated by an archaic Superego, with which the embryonic Ego is fully identified. The relationship to reality at this stage of psychological development is one in which morality and reality are psychically equivalent. By articulating the link between conscience arising out of the imperative for survival and conscience arising out of Oedipal anxiety, the author suggests that the evolution of individual conscience triggers an entirely new type of reality-testing, and thus an entirely new relationship to reality. The petrified ego : a new theory of conscience (Book 2014 ... The petrified ego : a new theory of conscience. [Elizabeth Reddish] -- "Contrary to the accepted view the stability of society and the individuals who comprise it ... The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience - Buy The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders The petrified ego: A new theory of conscience by Elizabeth ... The International Journal of Psychoanalysis. ... Rustin M. (2015) The petrified ego: A new theory of conscience by Elizabeth Reddish Karnac Books London ... THE PETRIFIED EGO - Elizabeth Reddish THE PETRIFIED EGO A New Theory of Conscience Dr Elizabeth Reddish. ... BIC Code: Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical theory (JCAF) The Petrified Ego argues that ... The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience - Books ... ... there is a gap in our psychoanalytic understanding of how conscience ... decisions.The Petrified Ego argues for a revision of psychoanalytic theory to ... The petrified ego : a new theory of conscience (eBook ... Petrified Ego : A New Theory of Conscience. London : Karnac Books 2013: Material Type: Document Internet resource: Document Type: Internet Resource Computer File: The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience / AvaxHome The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience by Elizabeth ReddishEnglish 2013 ISBN: 1780491786 123 pages PDF 05 MB The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience by Reddish ... ... A New Theory of Conscience by Reddish Elizabeth. Wendy Maier; Article first published online: ... The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience by Reddish ... The Petrified Ego: A New Theory Of Conscience Download The Petrified Ego: A New Theory Of Conscience Download. Authors. Authors A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; The Petrified ... The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience - Kindle ... Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading The Petrified Ego: A New Theory of Conscience. Amazon Try Prime ...
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